Arm Your Employees with Cybersecurity Training in Tampa
At NetAssurity, we know cybersecurity training is an excellent way to teach your employees how to spot a scam. But that doesn’t quite capture the urgency of making sure your team knows how to defend your business.
Hackers attack every 39 seconds, according to the University of Maryland. With cybercrimes increasing in frequency and criminals growing increasingly sophisticated with their techniques, training your team is no longer an option; it’s a necessity.
With a data breach that is all but certain to cause expensive downtime, compliance fines and reputational damage, it’s time you armed your team with a comprehensive array of cybersecurity solutions. From identifying spam and malware to social engineering and phishing, it’s not as complicated as you might think to get each team member on board with protecting your data — and your company.
A Solid Way to Defend Your Business
Professional cybersecurity training teaches the basics, such as how multi-authentication passwords are the first line of defense to protect your sensitive data from hackers. Your employees can be trained to never use the same password for their accounts. They can be taught to use strong passwords that use a mix of symbols, letters and numbers, so no one will come close to guessing it.
Your employees can’t be expected to walk in the door on their first day and know how to identify cybersecurity threats. But one of the downfalls with security awareness is that some employers only employ training as an onboarding event. Unfortunately, your team will be faced with threats continually — not just on their first day or week on the job.
When confronted with cyberthreats, most people can’t tell the difference between a legitimate link and a malicious one. This is probably why 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error, according to IBM.
Cybersecurity training mimics the latest threats and teaches employees how to separate legitimate and questionable emails.
As a business owner, you can institute policies that ingrain bulletproof cyber hygiene habits, such as instructions for emails, the internet and social media platforms. But be sure to make the training consistent and a regular calendar event.
How We Help
The team at NetAssurity gives you pertinent guidelines that keep your data safe with regularly scheduled training on how to avert the most up-to-date scams. It’s important that your employees stay fresh in their knowledge and on guard against cyberthreats. Once they’re in the throes of their roles, it might not be top of mind to safeguard your data. But frequent and continual training throughout the lifetime of their roles ensures that the skills they develop remain relevant and applicable to the most modern threats.
With more companies succumbing to cyberattacks, it’s crucial that 100% of your team is on deck to stave off lurking threats with cybersecurity solutions. If your long-term goal is to grow your business and succeed — we know it is! — training your employees to recognize malware and phishing or any of the other lurking dangers is a necessity.
If given a chance, your employees want to help you dodge cybersecurity threats. Give them the shared responsibility of acting as your defender, and they’ll gladly comply — they want your business to thrive, too. They just need the tools and knowledge on how to do it.
Cybercrimes are becoming more sophisticated, and data breaches are rapidly increasing. Arm your employees with the knowledge they need to improve their cybersecurity procedures, policies and best practices. Help them help you.
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